The University of Texas is a big and confusing -- but also exciting -- place!
Getting around
Campus maps: Gotta find your way to your next class? Here's the master set of campus maps.
Campus buildings: Know the name of the building you need to go to, but no idea where it is? Use the campus buildings index.(Hint: This is a useful site to bookmark on your phone!)
Campus shuttles: UT shuttles run around campus, to the Intramural Fields and to nearby areas where many students live. Get maps and schedules here.
BikeUT: Austin is a pretty bike-friendly town and many students bicycle around campus. Find maps, learn about campus cycling rules, and register your bike here.
SureWalk: If you're on campus late, volunteers from SureWalk can walk you home safely.
CapMetro: Headed further afield? CapMetro is Austin's public transport service; find bus and train maps and schedules here.
Navigating campus life
Student Ombuds Services are a confidential service for dealing with concerns about student-professor conflict, grade disputes, university policies, and more.
Student Judicial Services deal with academic integrity, the UT Honor Code, and disciplinary matters at UT.
The UT Police Department offers information on crime prevention, sexual assault, tips for safely navigating campus, tips for reporting crime, and much more.
ITS - the Information Technology Service - can help you with Canvas, Blackboard, your UT email account, and some personal computer services like backups. They have a counter on the ground floor of FAC.
Calendars and events
The main academic calendar lets you check semester and holiday dates, as well as important administrative dates like the add-drop deadline and registration periods.
Check the University Events Calendar for lectures, concerts, and more happening around campus.